Monday, March 2, 2015

Step 9: What's In a Name?

By now you have decided to become an entrepreneur, have found what makes you happy and a possible way to monetize this thing that makes you happy, you've taken accountability for your own situation, you've started to change your habits and started to write everything, but specially your goals and have created a vision of the future and where you want to be with your business.

You've also started to plan either in paper (you better be doing in on paper) or in your mind, on how you will set up your business, either online or brick and mortar, how many employees you'll need, how you'll get your funding, etc. But before you get going on those subjects, you have other things to think about.

Do not underestimate the power of a great name, don't worry about the logo and image of your business, that's the next step. First things first, how is your business or company is going to be called? No, not your product or service, your company. If you limit the name to your service or product, how will you expand later on? You have to choose a name that will let you grow and won't limit you.

Imagine you want to sell tires in San Jose, California. Don't name your business San Jose Tires Inc. What if you open a branch in San Francisco? or Las Vegas? Phoenix? and let's say that you expand your business with other services like oil change, break, motor tuning, etc? You will have to come up with a better name that will not limit you to an specific location, product or service. 

Make it easy to remember, comfortable and something that will let you reach the exact market you need. Don't make things hard for your market, help them to be able to remember your name. Research what would your market like, come up with a list of names and show it to them, let them help you choose.

There are several ways to come up in an amazing name, you might want to give it a go on your own or you can choose to hire the help of experts. So I want to share with you several articles that have helped me on choosing the name of my next two projects, and I am certain that you can also learn a great deal from them to reach that amazing name you seek.

Give a great deal of time for this step, the future implications of a bad name could be disastrous. Here are some samples of really bad names:

So now you know how important your business name is,

Live, Laugh, Love and Keep Moving Forward

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