Thursday, February 26, 2015

Exciting New Paths by Finding a Pain

Aside of writing tips and advice for those of you who want to start your own business I will also try to share my our journey, failures and experience for it prove to be of some value for you. So today I want to open up a little about two projects I am about to start, both I will launch through Kickstarter by March or beginning of April.

I won't be saying much right now because I am still polishing the kinks a bit to launch a successful Kickstarter campaign and researching within my target audience to try to find any and all pains I can soothe with my two projects. 

One of the projects is based on alternative energy, in a product that I've, so far, not found in the market as a viable product. I've seen many successful experiments, but nothing in the market out there that can be purchased by the public in general. This has me on fire at the moment, and a team of very talented people is forming to research, develop and launch an amazing product that could provide with free, clean energy in a small scale to charge your gadgets.

The other one is an online service with app and web system that will let people with any kind of degenerative disease to track their everyday symptoms along with their medicine, food, supplements, etc to look for patterns. The systems is going to be way more complicated than just this, but this was the basic idea that triggered this idea and concept. I've also been talking with my target audience and they have been amazing, I've received tons of ideas and suggestions based on their actual needs. They are excited about this service and that fires me up even more.

So the basic idea that I want to share here with you is that, no matter what your idea might be, always try to reach your target audience and ask what they really need. Find a problem, an itch, a pain that you can solve, scratch or soothe. That way you can be sure that your idea for a product or service can have a profitable future. I had a basic idea for what I wanted, for both projects, but getting in touch with my target audience allowed me to take new directions that I had not even thought of, having their feedback opened up my mind and created a wider and lighted path for me to follow.

Live, Laugh, Love and Keep Moving Forward!

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