Monday, February 16, 2015

How To Train Your Business

Hello world, my name is Erick, online you will find me as MrFireDragon. I am a 38 year old married man with one beautiful 7 year old girl, a business man, a dreamer, an entrepreneur, a designer and go-getter. From a couple of years ago, I'm constantly trying to reshape and redesign myself, the way I do business and what I have planned for my financial future. I was born in 1976, the year of the Dragon according to the Chinese calendar, and that year in particular was year of the Fire Dragon, hence my nickname.

I have a small online art and graphic design agency and I co-manage the family business along with my father. Life has taught me many things that I will try to share with you here, about family, about life, about health and specially about business. I have dealt with most ranges of clients and bosses, from the very easy to get along with and the hardest nuts to crack.

Through my Twitter account, I share whatever I can find that I consider to be relevant to business in general and how to improve it by improving yourself. I am a firm believer that self improvement is the basis to a great life and a great business.

I am currently shaping a startup that I am certain will have a great impact in peoples lives, and was based and inspired on and for my wife. You see, she was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis 6 years ago, a year after our girl was born, and we went through a health roller coaster that impacted most of our lives. I went from being a financially independent person to having to work in the family business, believe me, it was never my dream to pursue my father's path, but it was a road that I had to take in order to be able to provide the best possible care for my wife that now was refrained from working due to her condition.

For some time I felt scared, scared for my wife's health, our daughter and our financial situation. It shaped most of my life for at least 4 years, but little by little I've found resources online that have given me hope of a better future, a business I would love to work on and the financial independence that I was striving for since the beginning. I will share all that information here with you and give you my opinion on how or why each thing I share helps to improve my personal life and my business life.

One thing I want you to know is my personal view on business, I think of a business or a company as a dragon, it can be inspiring, it can be powerful, it can have and create wealth, it can be magical and wonderful, but it can also be dangerous, wild, tricky and can consume it all it you let it. I consider a business man or an entrepreneur to be a dragon rider that has to train the business to do what one wants it to do. You have to be in control, you can never let the business have the control over you, or it will consume you. I've seen it happen and it is a sad and miserable life, I almost let it happen to me, but a recent health upset helped me realize that I have to take back control of my business and my life and become the dragon rider I am meant to be, and I will do my very best to help you become a dragon rider.

So buckle up and be prepared to embrace change,


"Live, Laugh, Love and Keep Moving Forward."

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