Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Step 3. Write it down.

Step 3.




Seriously, write it down, everything, every idea, concept, reminder, goal, dream, everything worth remembering needs to be written down.

If you have started listening to either of the two books I recommended in the past entry, you will get to a point in which both authors recommend to write things down, specially goals. You know what? they are 100% right about it. I used the be the person that didn't write anything down, and the biggest lie I would always tell myself was "yeah, I don't need to write that thing down, I'll remember it, I have great memory", and yes I do have a great memory, but eventually I would forget about the idea, or the thing I wanted to do, or the goal I had set myself and it would all fall down to oblivion.

It was after I hear the audiobook versions of those two books that I finally changed and started to write things down, and it was difficult to keep on writing every single thing, I would forget and go on weeks and even months without writing in my journal or appointment book. I would sometimes use a spiral notebook and write things I was currently working on, but never kept an order or would filter out things or anything. Eventually I would write things that at the moment made perfect sense, but when I got back to them I would not know what the heck I meant when I wrote it.

So, I changed the system I was using, I bought myself a journal, a notebook, a breast pocket notepad and a spiral notebook. The spiral notebook I use to write everyday business things I am working on, activities, orders I hand out, people that call me, etc. The journal is my filter, I write all the important things, appointments, delivery dates, calls I have to make, etc. The notebook is for ideas for new products, services and businesses that need to grow and a fully blank page is the best place for me, I can draw, sketch, doodle and write. The breast pocket notepad is for when I'm on the go and I need something to write down so I don't lose anything.

But that is just me.

The idea is to change your habit of how you lay down the information and how you can use it later, you could start by writing things down like everything you eat, every single thing you eat and drink.  Or perhaps you could write down all your finance, every penny you earn or spend. Maybe you are a sports buff so you can write down all your training. I chose to write down all the business stuff in my life, you can chose to write anything else if you want to improve your writing habit. But I can tell you two things, it is of the up most important that you do work on your writing for the future of your business, and if you keep at it, you will improve not only writing but it will improve your life in general.

Don't believe me? check these two links:

Link 1   Link 2

You can write about anything you want, but the one thing you have to write no matter what is your goal, or goals. Every goal you want to accomplish needs to be on paper and you have to set a date for each goal if you really want to reach them.

Give it a try, write, don't think about it, just write and let the words flow.


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