Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Step 2. So, you want to tame and control your business? Embrace Change!

Ok, so you went through the first step of deciding you are going to be an entrepreneur, you have decided to face your fears, confront your dragon and start your journey. What do you do?

You don't go out and quit your job, get a loan and open a brick and mortar business right away. Hold on, you have to learn how to stand up before you try to fly.

Similarly the very first step, that is very personal, the next step is based on you, not on your business, it all starts with you.

Think of your best traits, what are you good at? what do you love doing? what is your thing? It might be writing, designing, building things, repairing stuff, you name it. That is amazing, you have a talent that you can exploit to either create a service or product, or just to aid you on your path.

But what about the rest? you might me an amazing designer, but what if you lack the skills to go out there and sell your stuff, or you could be the best handy man in the world, but you don't have social skills to help you relate to your customers. You will always lack a skill, knowledge or habit that will be needed for you to succeed.

The 2nd step for you journey will be self improvement. You will have to learn more about the business you want to jump in to, you will have to acquire a new set of skills and habits to be a better leader, you will have to change who you are right now, be a better version of yourself.

It has been my experience that change is better adopted if done gradually, you may be one of the lucky few that can say "I will start exercising today and never quit" and you'll indeed never quit, or you can pick up a book today and don't set it down until you've learned every bit of information it contains. But most people are not able to do that, if you are, congratulations, the road will be a lot easier for you. But if you are more like me, you will change gradually, you might even fight change; but if you want this bad enough, you will change and grow.

I am going to share with you all of the resources that I've found and all that I come to find, that I consider relevant for your journey, everything I share I've read and tested and has created a change in me to become a better and healthier person, a better husband, a better father and a better leader. I try to cover all aspects of life, because in the end you have to reach for balance, we will cover the topic of balance in the future, but know right here and now that sometimes work/life balance is rarely attainable, but you do have to balance yourself to be successful, and to obtain this balance, you will have to embrace change.

Here is a list of books I recommend you start reading that will help you start with your personal growth and change. Here's a tip for you, if you have a long commute or if you exercise regularly, get a cheap iPod and download the audiobook and the podcasts I will recommend now and in the future. If you want to use your phone I suggest turning off the notifications, so when you are listening you will not be distracted by Facebook or Twitter or any other kind of notification and you focus on learning.

I'll always include a link to where you can buy the book or audiobooks to make things easier for you. I also include the author's Facebook or Twitter links so you can see what they are sharing right now.


Author: Brian Tracy
No Excuses!: The Power Of Self-Discipline

Author: Dave Ramsey


Entreleadership Podcast

Entrepreneur on Fire

With these 2 books and 2 podcasts you have more than enough to start with. These 4 things will help you jump-start your embrace to change. I hope you enjoy them, because I certainly do.

Keep Moving Foward!


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