Monday, February 23, 2015

Step 6: Change Your Habits, Be Accountable For Your Life.

7 Minute read

From this point forward you are going to take serious actions towards completing your goals, setting up your business and take accountability for what comes next, and this step is going to be the hardest for most of you. I have to admit it was the hardest for me, it took me quite a long time to actually change my old habits for a new set of better and productive habits, and it didn't just took me a while, I battled with myself to reach a point where my new habits were kicking in and making me move forward.

There is a quote out there that is attributed to JD Huston, if you have different source, please share and I'll change it. But the quote says: 

"If you want something you've never had, 
you've got to do something you've never done."

What a power thought, right? It means that if we do not have something right now that we wish we had, it is because we haven't done anything to get it, and if we have done something but failed to obtain that something, then we need to do something else, something we have never tried before. We have to break our ideas that the world is out to get us, that there is something  or someone out there to blame for our failures, because there is nothing and no one but us that have stopped us from getting what we want.

"But MrFD, I had an accident, or someone robbed me, or there was a fire and lost everything, I was left paraplegic or quadriplegic." Ok, there is someone to blame for an event in your life, but what happens after that event is entirely up to you. You have the power to change your situation or make the most of it. There are tons of success stories out there of people that have suffered pain and misery, people who have had accidents, or where born without a limb or all four limbs, or people who have a disease that have left them unable to move or talk, yet, they are successful, they are business owners, motivational speakers, writers, scientists, in short they are entrepreneurs. They do not sit still and let the world whip them around, they take control of their current situation and work hard to move forward.

You have that same power and ability to move forward, to accept your current situation and work your way up. It doesn't matter who you are or what you do now for a living or what is your situation in general. You can do it. You may be a single mom wanting to start your own cupcake business from home, or a retired grandpa who wants to start the business you always dreamed to do but never got around to doing it, or a broke and broken person that feels like there is nothing left in this world for you. YOU CAN DO IT! I believe in you, I believe that we all have the power to change our lives, we have to face the fears and doubts that grow in our minds, change the daily things we currently do and start moving, no matter how slow, but as long as you don't stay in the same place.

How can we change to be able to take all the planning and dreaming we made in the past steps to actually start moving? Again, we have to work on ourselves. We have to improve our habits, some of you will be able to change very quickly, some, like I said before, will have a hard time breaking your habits. But if you give it a try, you can change everything in your life.

It is said that you can form a new habit in 28 days and once formed, you will still have to work to keep at it, because your old habits will continue to pop up when ever you allow them.

There are 3 main habits that I've experienced as the most important to change your whole life. The first one I've already covered. Writing. The second one is: Reading. The third one is: Exercise.

Writing, Reading and Exercise. The three of them are habits that build and improve you as a person, as an entrepreneur and improve your health, and all 3 give you energy and motivation to start moving towards your goals, no matter what they are.

As I covered in a previous post, I recommend that you write down everything important, keep a daily journal, and write down everything you were grateful for each day, write down what you have done to move towards your goals. That will help you to obtain the habit of writing everything you need to start, keep and grow your business. Leave yourself a cue, leave your journal in a place you will know that you'll see it at both the end and the beginning of your day, so you'll write something down.

Reading will cultivate both your intellect and your writings skills, I will share with you all material that I consider relevant for your personal and entrepreneurial growth and things that will motivate you. But you have to learn about the business you want to explore, you have to read books, magazines and blogs about the subject. The past, the present and the future of your business. Search for news articles, studies and basically everything new that is out there about the market you want to explore. You have to read your way into becoming an expert in your field. Again, use a cue for yourself, leave the book you are reading in a place you know you'll read it, I recommend before going to bed, instead of watching TV or checking up on your smart phone, read a real book, it will help you sleep better. If you have a long commute use it to hear an audiobook.

Exercise will give you energy, endorphins, strength and the health you need to keep working towards your goals. In future posts I will constantly write about the importance of health and rest for business success. You don't have to do a heavy workout, start by walking, if you enjoy swimming, dancing or zumba, do that. Do what you feel comfortable doing three times a week and then challenge yourself to do 5 minutes more, after a week, 5 minutes more. Until you are able to do one full hour of any exercise you like, as long as you really break a sweat. Leave your exercise bag or shoes, in place you'll see them, that way you'll remind yourself with a visual cue that you have to exercise. If the exercise you choose allows it, hear an audiobook or a podcast instead of just music.

If you focus in just these 3 habits, you will see how other new habits will start to form without you even planning. You will improve your finances, you will quit some really bad habits like smoking and drinking, you'll eat healthier, you'll be a happier person, you'll spend more time with friends and family and you will start to appreciate what you have and what you can do to get where you want. You will have taken accountability for your life and acquired the necessary habits for your success. 

Live, Laugh, Love and Keep Moving Forward.

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