Monday, February 16, 2015

The Very First Step

So, you want to train your business, you want to make tons of cash and be successful and an amazing leader. Great. 

First you have to let your brain grasp that concept of where you want to be, what is your goal, what do you want to achieve with your new or current business, build it in your mind, day dream and reach the very top of what you want to do with your life. How do you picture yourself?

Got it? OK, now see where you are now, your job today, your personal situation, your health, what you are eating, what you are doing in your free time. It looks like a very long journey, right? well, it is, and every journey, no matter how long, begins with the first step.

So the first thing you have to do is make the decision to change your current situation to reach that ultimate goal you just pictured for yourself. You have to be absolutely 100% certain that you will actually DO things in order to achieve your goals. You might have an amazing idea, great! but if you never act upon it, this idea will wither and die in your brain succumbed by every day "stuff" you have to do.

If you want to become an entrepreneur or be a better one, you have to commit to yourself and take action, no matter how small it might be, just as long as you do not remain on the same spot. So make the decision to stop being a wantepreneur and become an entrepreneur.

Deciding might seem like an easy thing to do, but never underestimate the fear factor, fear of losing what you currently have, fear of failing, fear of making a fool of yourself, fear of losing the support of loved ones, fear of fear itself.

Fear can be paralyzing, and will keep you rooted where you are, and where you are might be a good place, a nice place. You might have a good job, with a nice pay, or perhaps your job sucks but it provides the sufficient income to live a decent life. We always fear to lose a good thing, but you might be missing on a great thing. The biggest killer of greatness is good.

I cannot tell you that you will succeed, I do not know if you will be a great leader, I ignore if you will reach all your goals. But I can guarantee that in some point you will have a failure, and you will learn from it, do not be afraid of failure it will push you forward if you let it, and I am certain that if you keep going, you will gain enough momentum to reach a higher and better place. 

So, decide to be more, decide to grow, decide to become a leader, decide to improve yourself, decide to move from the place you are right now, do that, and you will have taken the very first step of your journey.


Live, Laugh, Love and Keep Moving Forward.

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