Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Step 7: The Going Gets Tough

When you have decided that you are going to become an entrepreneur, start your own business and become your own boss, you are going to find your share of obstacles that you will have to overcome. Like the saying goes, you make plans and then life happens. You will receive your share of unexpected expenses, health related issues, the stream of naysayers that will call you crazy for going independent, even the eventual hater that makes his/her life's mission to bring your happiness down. There will be some that will tell you that what you are doing is a waste of time.

But you want to know what really is a waste of time? A waste of time is to have invested time and money in formal education and be stuck in a job you hate, fading away a little each day into numbness. If you dare go for your happiness, the things that makes you tick, if you go out and find your "food truck", research about this thing that makes you happy, the past, the present and dare to create its future. That is definitely not a waste of time. If you are in a hole, you have to stop digging.

I went through all of this, I was dying a little every day, I had people that seemed invested in keeping me bottled down and stuck at a job that I started to loath, I was way too overweight, my wife was diagnosed with arthritis at 31, a little girl starting school and people around me trying to convince me that I was crazy for wanting for more. I broke my fears, and went for it and I am starting to see the fruits of my work, how my dreams and ideas are slowly becoming realities. 

You don't have to be tough to make it, as the old saying goes. You just have to keep moving, as slow as you want, but just as long as you don't stay on the same place. Remember, when the going gets tough, just keep moving forward.

Live, Laugh, Love and Keep Moving Forward.

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