Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Power Of Habit

Yesterday I rambled on about how you have to change your habits and take accountability on your own life, before you can start your own business. Yet, I never talked about the real secret on changing your habits, sorry for that. But I really had a reason, I wanted to make this a post on it's self. 

The real secret to be able to change your habits, is to know how habits in general work, how they are created, what triggers them and what we expect to obtain from them. Once you really understand how they work, you will be able to create systems that will help you substitute or change your current habits for a new set of better and improved habits.

Today I want to share with you the book that helped me know all about habits and showed me the way to change my old bad habits: The Power Of Habit: Why We Do What We Do In Life And Business by Charles Duhigg.

I have to admit, and you'll find this same thing on the book, I have to keep battling against my old habits every day, but by knowing how they work, I am able to keep them at bay much better that I did before. It is hard work, but the results are extremely rewarding.

I also recommend the audiobook, read by Mike Chamberlain. Mike makes this book easy to hear, fun and keeps your attention. I have to admit that while listening I had to rewind several times, but that is just because this book triggered a whole bunch of ideas for products and services and got me on fire.

So I hope you really do get this one and read it, I am confident that it will do a ton of good for you, it will help you improve your life and your business. 

Happy reading!

Live, Laugh, Love and Keep Moving Forward.

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